11:00am Solemn Mass - 22 December 2024, Fourth Sunday of Advent

11:00am Solemn Mass - 22 December 2024, Fourth Sunday of Advent

11:00am Solemn Mass - 22 December 2024, Fourth Sunday of Advent The Cathedral Church of St Patrick Parramatta Celebrant: Very Reverend Peter William VG Assisted by Deacon David Dowling Music: Choir of St. Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta, directed by Bernard Kirkpatrick KSS, assisted by Eric Grella, and Patrick Newman, Organist Music: Alleluia - Motet: Hymns: Communio - Postlude: _______________________________ Solemn Sung Catholic High Mass with St. Patrick's Cathedral Choir, featuring traditional & contemporary hymns, sacred polyphony, Gregorian chant propers. Choral & congregational Music in Latin & English. Hear the 1898 Norman & Beard Pipe Organ play preludes, interludes, improvisations and voluntary postludes. St. Patrick's Cathedral Parish Parramatta in Western Sydney, the heartland of multicultural Australia, is a large, dynamic community which comes together for Prayer and Praise. The Cathedral has a strong liturgical and music tradition, offering dignified worship drawing on ancient and new Catholic ritual and ceremonial practice. Further info https://stpatscathedral.com.au/