[Maplestory / MapleSEA] Shadower (섀도어) Black Mage (검은마법사) Clear - First ? ?  ?   ?

[Maplestory / MapleSEA] Shadower (섀도어) Black Mage (검은마법사) Clear - First ? ? ? ?

Thankful for all my guildmates, buddies, friends and family for the guidance, motivation and laughs Some helpful advice for Shadowers in Black Mage that I learnt through trial and error: Assassinate: I usually attack with either B - A - B - A (4 counts) or B - A - B - A - B - A (6 counts) after each push, which gives me ample time to duck Note that this is MapleSEA and we have the 0 attack speed cap, if in servers with a capped attack speed, you may only have the ability to use 4 counts, rather than 6 Also, by having my 1st part of assassinate casted previously, I'm able to have my next attack to be the 2nd part of assassinate This gives me the versatility to use Eviscerate as my iframe, to dodge sticky situations or curses (My fun run video was a much smoother clear, this run had my nerves getting to me ) Eviscerate (Trickblade): Maintaining 3x stacks on black mage is crucial and I personally tend to not use this skill offensively I mainly use to get out of tricky situations, such as being pinned down by meteors and lasers, or the full map attacks Smokescreen / Shadow Veil: After the push, it is the perfect time to cast these two skills before pressing Dark Sight due to the very long casting time You may even find yourself having to duck straight away after casting Juggle these two skills with UDS to have a longer duration under dark sight to boost assassinate damage and dodge white meteors Sonic Blow: Same as smokescreen / shadow veil, right after the push is the perfect timing to press this skill, which plants you to the ground for ±2 5 seconds and you're vulnerable to receive all damage, including lasers, push, meteors, etc I find myself being very picky as to when I press this, usually making sure lasers have just been casted AND Black Mage has JUST pushed and I am at a safe spot for the next 3 seconds or so Reflection: Not extremely happy with my performance, but a clear is a clear I forgot to use noblesse before entering and could only use it in phase 2 I was quite greedy in P3, overestimating my casting speed and underestimating BM's push and laser damage, causing me to lose many lives My preparation for FMAs was quite risky as well, especially looking back on how I used eviscerate to get that 1 second iframe to run to the upper platforms on the left Overall learnt a lot with my party and I'm really looking forward to liberating with this team! Planning to smoothen my runs and be less greedy with damage, losing less lives to unnecessarily risky moments But in the end I fly my own planes Feel free to comment below and share your thoughts! StarNiqht (Shadower) armourguy (Evan) Corzare (Phantom) iAranlx (Aran) OmbraLama (DB) Maomao11 (Kanna) Timestamps: 00:00 - Phase 1 00:45 - Phase 2 06:11 - Phase 3 21:00 - Phase 4 27:15 - Egg Phase 🧂 Don't need to employ a pilot :-) Don't need to abuse glitches :-)