Negativity Free Home
We exercise rituals and remedies that remove negativity from our home. One exercise that works very good in creating a prosperous and peaceful home is to place a green glass filled with water on the left side of the main door (your back towards the door). Replace the water everyday and drain the previous day's water. It soaks all the negativity and makes a place energetically clean. Place a fitkari (alum) beneath the doormat of the main door and replace it every Saturday. Bury or drain the old alum. Doing this, the negative influences shall be ejected out. Get a Vastu Devya Yantra (easily downloaded from the net). Your back towards the door, stick it on the right side of the door. To invoke Maa Lakshmi's blessings, on the doorpost, sihnifying NavDurga, make 9 dots with Kum Kum. Refresh these 9 dots every Friday. Experience the magic happening. ✨️ Stay connected for more interesting videos. To book an appointment, for more information, please contact : 9999033485, 9810701006 #negativity #positivity #love #positivevibes #life #psychic #motivation #negativeenergy #negativepeople #loveyourself #depression #negative #positive #quotes #yourself #spiritual #energy #happiness #jaimadaan #ladyoffortune Subscribe & Share on Youtube: / jaimadaanladyoffortune 👍 Like on Facebook: / jaimadaanastrologer 💛 Follow on Instagram: / jaimadaanofficial 💛 Follow on Twitter: / jaimadan Know more about me via Website: https://www.jaimadaan.com/