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KMBN 301 : Strategic Management : • Strategic Management AKTU - Dwivedi G... KMBN 302 : Innovation and Entrepreneurship : • Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Dwi... KVE 301 : Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics : • UHVPE | Universal Human Value and Pro... KMBN HR01 : Talent Management : • Talent Management KMBN HR02 : Employee Relations and Labour Laws : • Employee Relations and Labour Laws (D... KMBN MK01 : Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Communication : • Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Comm... KMBN MK02 : Marketing Analytics : • Marketing Analytics - Dwivedi Guidance KMBN FM01 : Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management : • Investment Analysis and Portfolio Man... KMBN FM02: Financial Planning and Tax Management : • Financial Planning and Tax Management... KMBN IB01 : International Business Management : • International Business Management aktu mba Financial Planning and Tax Management previous year question paper, aktu mba previous year, aktu mba previous year question paper, aktu mba previous year paper with solution pdf, aktu previous year paper mba 3rd sem, mba aktu previous year paper, aktu mba previous year paper, aktu mba last year paper, aktu mba last year question paper, previous year paper of mba aktu, previous year question paper mba aktu, previous year question paper of aktu mba, #aktu #mba #questionpaper #aktumba #previousyearquestions #dwivediguidance