Sunday Worship Service THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST June 26, 2022
THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST God’s Presence, Provision, and Purpose in Your Life June 26, 2022 AS WE GATHER When you feel all alone, remember this: you are not alone. First, you are not alone in feeling that way. In today’s Old Testament Reading, you will see how even Elijah, the mighty prophet of God, felt all alone. “I, even I only, am left!” he exclaimed (1 Kings 19: 10). That was his honest feeling; however, it wasn’t true. The Lord revealed to Elijah that He had not abandoned His prophet, even reassuring Elijah of this by providing Elisha as his helper in proclaiming the Word of the Lord. God’s presence and provision in Elijah’s life reassured him of his divine purpose, and the same is true for you! Even when you may think or feel that you are alone, you are not! God’s presence and provision, which you will receive yet again today, reassure you of this! Jesus is with you! He loves you! And He sends His Spirit into your life to give you His purpose and direction, reminding you that you belong to Him! We greet and welcome all guests and visitors worshiping with us today. We hope that the mes- sage you hear today will strengthen your under- standing and faith in God’s plan to save us from sin and death through Jesus Christ. If you are visiting with us for the first time, please introduce yourself to Pastor Mat or Vicar Jake. If you are without a church home, we invite you to join us here at St. Paul. ORDER OF WORSHIP DIVINE SERVICE 3 Hymn of Invocation 708 Invocation p184 Confession/Absolution p184 †The Service of the Word † Introit p186 Kyrie p186 Gloria in Excelsis p189 Salutation/Collect p189 Old Testament 1 Kings 19:9b-21 p301 Psalm 16 Epistle Reading p974 Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Alleluia/Verse p190 Holy Gospel p868 Luke 9:51-62 Apostles’ Creed p192 Hymn of the Day 688 Sermon Offertory p192 Offering Prayer of the Church † Service of the Sacrament † Preface p194 Sanctus p195 Lord’s Prayer p196 The Words of our Lord p197 Pax Domini Agnus Dei p198 Distribution Hymns 622 (1-4),430,622 (5-8),687 Nunc Dimittis p199 Thanksgiving Salutation/Benedicamus p201 Benediction p202 Hymn to Depart 685