220416 BTS - 'Life Goes On' + 'Boy With Luv' FANCAM PTD on stage Las Vegas Day 4 (4K)
copy & pasted from my other ptd day 4 las vegas fancam vids: recorded with a iphone 13 pro. camera zoom on iphone isn't perfect so it would mess up sometimes throughout the concert. i kinda figured out how to deal with it towards the end of the concert tho lol (just gotta slide your finger over the camera for a split second and the zoom will be clear again). they're so amazing live man. vegas is the perfect spot for a big time group like them. if there are some camera shakes throughout the video, that's because i was dancing while i was recording lol. i couldn't resist. no one can resist when they're in a concert like that. for anyone wondering, my view was from section 207, row 13. #BTS #PTD #BORAHAEGAS #LifeGoesOn #BoyWithLuv