How To Lighten Dark Vaginal Area | Private Part Whitening #women - Dr. HS Chandrika| Doctors' Circle
Subscribe to @Doctors' Circle - World's Largest Health Platform @Doctors' Circle Hindi दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा हेल्थ प्लेटफार्म @Doctors' Circle - Know Your Doctor Dr. H S Chandrika | Phone 📞: +919880003953 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist | Chirag Global Hospital, J P Nagar Phase 2, Bangalore, India Why is vaginal area darker than the rest of the body? The vaginal area is also a part of the genital system. So that is the part which covers the genital organs of the female. So what happens in a normal female the genital area has been influenced with the hormones, i.e., sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. So when the body secretes this hormone, estrogen and progesterone, the body also secretes hormone called melanin. Melanin is the cause of the dark pigmentation of the skin. So what happens naturally, the organs that produce this hormone melanin and sex hormones are produced along with each other. Both of them are produced together. It comes and acts on the same area that one acts. That is the reason that the vaginal area is a little darker than the rest of the body. So it is not a thing to be worried about and if you want to worry about you can consult a proper dermatologist then you can see if they can do something about this. She may take some measures like giving some creams to produce less amount of darkening whether it is feasible, whether it is healthy and whether it is advisable that a dermatologist will advice. You can consult a dermatologist. #expertkisuno #expertskisuno #health #treatment #darkspots #vagina #privateparts #genitals #womenshealth #womenhealth #female #gynecologist #gynecology #gynaecologist