Let’s build a community 👊 Livestreams, Cod Zombies and ZWR included! [The Packed Community] 👊 We are nicely building up a great Cod zombies community, where you can be you. Some are a little sus 😈 I admit 🤣 but they all are loved the same ❤️ It’s cool if you’re just stopping by but it’s great if you stay! 💯 Feel free to lurk in the livestreams and ask questions 🧐 I appreciate all your love and support 🙏 Please leave a like and subscribe for more future content! 😎 🔥Join this channel to get access to perks🔥 https://youtube.com/@packedpunch/join Join the Discord 😎 / discord Also… My Twitter if you’re interested @PACKED_PUNCH 💰TOP DONATIONS💰 🥇Koenig - £2342.98 🥈AlmightyViking - £542.41 🥉NewRaph - £464.70 4. Adam - £373.85 5. Gianki Figgs - £305.02 6. Demxn cx - £257.32 7. p44eet - £207 8. Crimson - £189.42 9. Jorge Ramirez - £160.52 10. kakamain - £151.68 11. Sky - £138.74 12. Michael Poteate - £112.80 13. Brett L. - £109.28 14. Star The Femboy - £90.49 15. Hidden Profits - £82.77 16. Red Bones - £79.65 17. Br4d115 - £62.90 18. tom01 - £60.99 19. Irish tiger - £57.19 20. YourEnviousEnemy - £57 ❤️TOP GIFTED MEMBERSHIPS❤️ 🥇Irish tiger - 671 🥈Itsnotacultmom - 575 🥉snudey - 560 4. Joshywashy - 519 5. AlmightyViking - 404 6. NewRaph - 400 7. ChiefLunger - 390 8. nukeman - 379 9. Berserker - 359 10. Adam - 319 11. Jorge Ramirez - 249 12. CreamedSpinach - 242 13. LevitateXVI - 237 14.📘Page📘 - 212 15. Red Aspect - 208 16. The Ice Man - 186 17. MrStrained - 145 18. Mr.Ale🐐er - 140 19. beeeg_1 - 122 20. budwyser1980 - 121 ❗️RULES❗️ 1. Try to be positive at all times. 2. No Racism. 3. No sexism. 4. No homophobia. 5. No transphobia. 6. No self promotion. 7. No Spamming. Tags: #Cod #Bo3 #Callofduty round 255,cod zombies world record 255,nacht 255,255 classics,255 zombies,255sr,hr255,wr255,soe 255 world record,kino,moon,bo3 zombies 255 world record,shadows of evil 255 solo world record,call of duty zombies,kino der toten,zombies high round,zombies,cod zombies,bo1 zombies,bo2 zombies,bo3 zombies,round 100,high round strategy,soe,soe 255,shadows,new,guide,best,shadows 255,waw,bo1,bo2,bo3,bo4,bo6,black ops 6,2024,2025,rev,nacht,no gum,pc,wr