Mass for 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time —24 July 2022
Join Dignity Washington in celebrating our Mass for the LGBTQ community, our families, and our friends as we celebrate the 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time. We invite you to join us in our celebration, comment and share reflections to grow our community and stay connected by joining our Facebook page at / dignitywashington . Also find your local DignityUSA community by visiting https://www.dignityusa.org/dignity-co.... We ask that you support the mission of Dignity Washington by giving at https://www.dignitywashington.org/donate or DignityUSA at https://www.dignityusa.org/donate. We rely on collections, and we hope you will give what you are able to sustain our community and our mission. If you are ever in DC and able to attend, we invite you to celebrate with us in person on Sunday nights at 6 p.m. at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church. Dignity Washington Masses are inclusive and are ASL interpreted on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license A-701278. #Mass #catholic #lgbtq #dignity #affirmingcatholic