Omi Plays Resident Evil 0 Wesker Mode Part 4 No Game Audio :(

Omi Plays Resident Evil 0 Wesker Mode Part 4 No Game Audio :(

This set of videos has no game audio. I kept them since I already went to the trouble of editing them. A Windows update made it so OBS wasn't picking up audio from the game,even though I could still hear it myself through my headphones. My mic still works so you'll hear my voice at least. My bad. Doing a fun run of the RE0 HD Remaster on Steam as Mr. Saturation himself,Albert Wesker! I'm using the Door Skip and Item Box Mods for this. Wesker has the special abilities Shadow Dash and Death Stare. In this part,heading over to the Factory/Treatment Plant after getting separated from Wesker. Passing through the RE2 area briefly,she ends up fighting the Proto-Tyrant as a Boss. Rebecca then restores power to the Plant,and soon regroups with Wesker. Solved the box puzzle for the Valve Handle afterwards,and soon fought the Boss Proto-Tyrant 2 not long after that. Sending Rebecca across the Dam to make the fuel needed for the Empty Battery,then using the Forklift to obtain the Keycard needed to access the final areas of the game.