How to make sweet popcorn in one pan! No milk, no oil, easy and delicious!
#popcorn #plantbased #vegan #semleite Learn how to make delicious sweet popcorn in one pan! You need to have a little patience as it takes a while to start bursting. The secret is to dissolve the sugar well before turning on the fire! :) Ingredients: 1 cup of popcorn 1 cup of sugar 1 cup of hot water 1 pinch of salt Mix all the ingredients until the sugar dissolves well. Put on high heat until the popcorn starts to pop, it takes about 10 minutes. Lower the fire and turn off when it takes more than 5 seconds between bursts. Musica bensound.com Follow me on instagram @vegan_minute Subscribe to this channel to receive more vegan and gluten-free recipes Leave your like and comment Share with the friends! Thanks :)