5 Editorials - 162 | Bulldozer Injustice, CBAM, BIT, Twitter Crisis | 24/11/24 | Adil Baig #upsc
In this initiative, the 5 most relevant Editorials of the week will be picked and discussed it with UPSC CSE Main Examination point of view. Editorial Reserve - 365 Important Editorials for 2024 - A guide for 5 Editorials of the Week Initiative. This PDF is a ready reference guide to any current affairs topic. To Download - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UVRn... 4:00 - Editorials Discussed in 162nd Edition 06:50 - 1) What has SC ruled on bulldozing property? – 18th Nov: 40:44 - 2) How India could counter the CBAM – 20th Nov 01:05:03 - 3) A bilateral investment treaty with a ‘bit’ of change - Nov 22 01:36:35 - 4) India needs an Environmental health regulatory agency – Nov 22 01:54:32 - 5) Is social media doing more harm than good to democracy? - Nov 22 JOIN us on Telegram Telegram Channel Name: "KingMakers IAS Academy" Link: https://t.me/kingmakersiasacademy #upsc #hindu #editorials #upscmains #upscmains2024 #upsctamil #upscmotivation #upscprelims #upscprelims2024 #adilsir #tnpscgroup1 #group1mains