Walking Dead - S6 E15 "East" Podcast

Walking Dead - S6 E15 "East" Podcast

Join The Walking Dead Talk on Facebook:   / asotvtwd   Our hosts John, and Clio from ASOTV (As Seen on TV) discuss Season Six, Episode Five of AMC's The Walking Dead. Story by: Scott M. Gimple & Channing Powell Teleplay by: Channing Powell Directed by Michael E. Satrazemis Original air date was March 27, 2016 Find Us!! John - on twitter @nomorenomore   / nomorenomore   Clio - on most social media as 'cliomoto' Dom- on twitter @phenomedom   / phenomedom   You can also find us on Twitter -   / asotvpodcast   @ASOTVpodcast Facebook -   / asotvpodcast