5 Minutes Ready! Liquid and Soft Paratha Recipe | No Kneading | Flatbread Made! By Fatima's Kitchen
#fatimaskitchen #liquidandsoftparatharecipe 5 Minutes Ready ! Quick and Easy Flatbread Made With Batter! Liquid and Soft Paratha Recipe | No Rolling No Kneading |By Fatima's Kitchen | Liquid Paratha Recipe No Oven No Rolling No Kneading at Home, Please Mere Channel Fatima's Kitchen Ko Like Karen Share Karen aur Subscribe Karen Press Bell 🔔 Icon & Video Ko Complete Watch Karen Assalam u Alaikum Welcome To My YouTube Channel Fatima's Kitchen How To Make Liquid Dough Paratha Recipe ingredients List All Flour 1 cups Sugar 1 tbsp Salt two tests Cooking oil 2 tbsp ریسپی کے اجزا میدہ ایک کپ چینی ایک کھانے کا چمچ نمک حسب ذائقہ کوکنگ ائل دو سے تین کھانے کے چمچ 5 minutes Ready | liquid dough paratha recipe | by fatima's kitchen | no kneading no rolling | fatima's kitchen recipes in urdu | liquid dough paratha | paratha | with liquid dough paratha recipe | liquid dough paratha recipe | paratha dough recipe | flatbread no knead bread | flatbread recipe | no oven bread | no knead flatbread | no oven no yeast bread | easy flatbread how to make | flatbread no knead bread recipe | no kneading flatbread no oven | batter flatbread in english | fatima's kitchen | flatbread made with batter recipes | homemade flatbread easy | flatbread recipe turkish | flatbread faster no knead | bread 3 ingredient flatbread | no kneading bread | no yeast flatbread | flatbread without oven | bread in 10 minute | no oven stovetop flatbread paratha recipe with liquid dough 5 minutes paratha recipe in handi | liquid dough | roti with liquid dough | liquid paratha recipe | egg paratha | quick and easy paratha recipe | fatima's kitchen | #5minutesready #flatbreadmadewithbatter #liquiddoughparqtharecipes #nokneading #fatimaskitchen #liquidparatha #nooven #noroling #liquiddoparatha #paratha #liquidparatha #flatbread #flatbreadrecipe #nokneadflatbread #noovenflatbread #howtomakeflatbread #littlesugarkitchen #asmr #easyrecipe #deliciousflatbread #easyandquickflatbread #chineserecipes #pakistanieasyrecipesinurdu #recipe #food #pakistanirecipes #indianrecipes #cooking #easyrecipe #newrecipe #urdu #urdurecipes #handi #handirecipes #kitchentips #yummy #streetfood #snacks #easy #kitchen #best #simple #instantrecipe #inurduhandirecipes #happycookingtoyou #yt #viralvideo #vlog #villagefood #yuotube #happy #edit #testy #comment #quick #homemade #delicious Website Visit Our YouTube Channel 👇 / @fatimaskitchen-zl4jb Visit Our Facebook Page 👇 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id= Follow Us On Instagram 👇 https://www.instagram.com/kitchen.fat... Follow Us On TikTok 👇 https://www.tiktok.com/@fatimas.kitch...