Grossly important 🤢 Anal Gland Expression #vetadvice #doghealth #vetadvice #vetcare #analglands
Have you ever heard of anal gland expressions? All dogs have anal glands, but some dogs need a little help getting them flushed. If you think your dog may have blocked anal glands, seek veterinary advice. Blocked anal glands are sore and uncomfortable, and if left, can lead to impactions and infections and become much harder to treat. Your vet will examine your dog’s glands by performing a rectal exam. Most mild blockages are easily solved by a vet or veterinary nurse manually expressing the glands by feeling inside the dog’s bottom and squeezing the gland carefully with their fingers and thumb. This procedure can cause pain and further problems if done incorrectly, so always take advice from a veterinary professional. Watch this and count yourself your lucky you can't smell them