"Gel Pen Art: Blooded Sword Temporary Tattoo"....#tattoo #art #drawing #bodyarts

"Gel Pen Art: Blooded Sword Temporary Tattoo"....#tattoo #art #drawing #bodyarts

"Get ready to make a bold statement with this intense blooded sword temporary tattoo design! In this step-by-step tutorial, learn how to use black and red gel pens to create a realistic, temporary tattoo on your arm. Perfect for men who want a rugged, edgy look, this design is sure to turn heads. Materials: Black and red gel pens (Brand :Cello,Linc) Difficulty: Easy Share your artwork in the comments! Subscribe for weekly DIY art tutorials! [Ink Creation] ‪@Ink_Creation‬ #GelPenArtistry #BloodedSword #TemporaryTattoos #ArmTattooDesignsForMen #MensFashionInspo" #TattooInspiration #GelPenDrawing #RedAndBlackArt #TemporaryBodyArt #ArtTutorials #DIYTattoo #ArmArt #SwordTattoo #MensTattooDesigns #TemporaryTattooIdeas 1. "Blooded Sword Temporary Tattoo Gel Pen Tutorial" 2. "Arm Tattoo Design for Men: Blooded Sword" 3. "Gel Pen Art: Blooded Sword Temporary Tattoo" 4. "DIY Blooded Sword Tattoo with Gel Pens" 5. "Temporary Tattoo for Men: Blooded Sword Design"