देसी मुर्गी को 1–90 दिन तक कौनसा और कितना दाना खिलाना चाहिए👌| Feeding schedule | Desi Murgi Palan
देसी मुर्गी को 1–90 दिन तक कौनसा और कितना दाना खिलाना चाहिए👌| Feeding schedule | Desi Murgi Palan ▶️Homemade Poultry Feed (Part-1)👉 • ऐसे अपने घर में बनाएं Desi Poultry Fe... ▶️ Homemade Poultry Feed (Part-2)👉 • ऐसे घर पर बनाएं Desi Murgi के लिए सबस... 1) 5 Best Egg laying Chicken Breeds :- • 5 सबसे ज्यादा अंडा देने वाली मुर्गी |... 2) Homemade Poultry feed making process:- • Easy 100 Kg Home made Poultry Feed ma... 4) Sonali Murgi breed detail :- • सोनाली मुर्गी के बारे में पूरी जानकार... ____________________________________________ FOLLOW ME ON 👇 INSTAGRAM :-https://instagram.com/mri_tunjay?igsh... 2nd CHANNEL :- / @mritunjaychowdhury ____________________________________________ NOTICE ⚠️ I am Not oner Of any content which I used in my video ... all resource like Picture or Video from Google or anyother helpful Site ..which help me to explain my video nicely or deeply .. So I credit to my all work to Google or anyother helpful Site ..If I use anyothers content then I will definitely credit to Him .. Thanks I hope All owner Understand to me if I used some content in my video 🙏 ★Regarding Any Problems.. 👉Contact With Us : [email protected] @Kisaan Tuber ____________________________________________ {Don't Forget to LIKE , SHARE & SUBSCRIBE} #poultryfeed #desimurgipalan #chickenfeed #feedingchickens Stay Tuned 😉