Demi Lovato VMAs 2023 Reaction

Demi Lovato VMAs 2023 Reaction

Join me in my reaction to Demi Lovato performing a medley at the VMA's 2023 a few weeks ago! (I'VE HAD TO REDUCE THE BRIGHNTESS ON THE VIDEO SO IT DIDN'T GET BLOCKED!!!! TOOK ME AGES TO FIND THE RIGHT LEVEL LOL - SORRY!!!) I don't know if Demi is really my cup of tea in general... but she definitely threw down a performance here! #vmas2023 #demilovato #demilovatoreaction #firsttimereaction Support the Channel here and get access to early content and other cool perks ❤: Patreon:   / room2703reacts     / room2703reacts   Instagram:   / room2703reacts   Twitter:   / room2703reacts      • Video