BEST BLOOPERS FROM 20 MOVIES of 2000 (Brad Pitt, Sandra Bullock, Jim Carrey, Jackie Chan)
2000 was full of great movies, cool characters and funny bloopers that brought back the nostalgic vibe. I did a big and deep search and find bloopers, outtakes, gag reel and funny behind the scenes from 20 different films of 2000. So this video include: Snatch bloopers X-Men bloopers Meet The Parents bloopers How the Grinch stole Christmas bloopers Me, Myself & Irene bloopers Miss Congeniality bloopers What Women Want bloopers Erin Brockovich bloopers Charlie's Angels bloopers Shanghai Noon bloopers Little Nicky bloopers The Family Man bloopers Big Momma's House bloopers Dude, Where's My Car? bloopers The Nutty Professor 2 bloopers Keeping the Faith bloopers Coyote Ugly bloopers Bedazzled bloopers Bring It On! bloopers 28 Days bloopers Questions and suggestions 👉 [email protected] Official way to support Ukraine (fund UNITED24) 👉 https://u24.gov.ua If you are the copyright holder and you have comments/suggestions on the content, please email me ▪ [email protected] ▪ I will respond immediately.