LIVE! 6th Sunday Ordinary Time 2025 C - thirteen hymns and spiritual songs + psalm
prelude: 1. "For You Are My God" (John Foley, S.J.) 2. "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise" (ST. DENIO) 3. "O Bless the Lord, My Soul" (ST. THOMAS (WILLIAMS)) 4. "In This Place" (Trevor Thomson) 5. "Drawn to You" (Sarah Hart) 6. "Where Charity and Love Prevail" (CHRISTIAN LOVE) 7. "We Are the Light of the World" (GREIF) entrance: 8. "Our God is Here" (Chris Muglia) responsorial psalm: Psalm 1: 1-2, 3, 4 & 6 (78) presentation: 9. "Hold Onto Love" (Jesse Manibusan) communion: 10. "Blessed Are You/Mapapalad Kayo" (Manalo/Manibusan) 11. "God So Loved" (Ken Canedo) 12. "Come to the Feast/Ven al Banquete" (Bob Hurd) sending forth: 13. "How Can I Keep From Singing" (ENDLESS SONG) St. Thomas More Church - Lynnwood, WA pianist: Michael Lam upright bass: Emersen Lazaro cantor: Erwin Lazaro