Pimple, Ingrown Hair, or Herpes?

Pimple, Ingrown Hair, or Herpes?

If you get a suspicious bump in your groin, this video is meant to help navigate the possibilities and find solutions. Please remember the best answer comes from a medical professional who can test you and examine you in person. Here are a few videos that give additional direction on this and public hair: Dr. Doe gets a pelvic exam:    • Dr. Doe's Pelvic Exam   How to choose a health professional:    • How To Choose A Professional   Pubes and friends (all about pubic hair):    • Pubes & Friends   To stay connected with us beyond the show, please follow us in all these places: Patreon:sexplanations. Twitter: elleteedee Tumblr: tumblingdoe Facebook: sexplanations Website: complexly.com Soundcloud: sexplanationspodcast