THE POLAR EXPRESS Gameplay Walkthrough FULL GAME No Commentary (PS2 4K 30FPS Longplay)
The Polar Express Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary PS2 4K 30FPS Full Game. Showcasing all missions, the full story, upgrades, ending and more. Subscribe: / @theblu3dragon Choose Another Full Game To Watch: • TheBlueDragon Full Games Playlist The game follows most of the main plot of the film. One major difference is that the Ebenezer Scrooge Puppet, who only makes a minor appearance in the film, plays a much bigger role as the main antagonist who attempts to prevent the children from believing in Santa Claus by stealing their tickets, and trying to get them thrown off the train to keep the children from getting to the North Pole. The game is broken down into six chapters, giving the player the opportunity to explore areas like the train, the North Pole, and more. The player controls a young boy in each of the 6 chapters. The game also contains puzzle-solving as well as some minigame-styled elements. The Game Boy Advance version is a 2D side-scrolling platformer which also has some levels where you control The Polar Express train itself in 3D. 00:00:00 - Chapter 1: Polar Express 00:25:26 - Chapter 2: The Rooftop 00:36:24 - Chapter 3: The Engine Room 00:44:33 - Chapter 4: Back on Board 00:58:53 - Chapter 5: The North Pole 01:11:13 - Chapter 6: Race to Santa 01:34:24 - Credits