B.Ed.2nd Sem(BD-204)Exam-2024/critical understanding of ICT/आई.सी.टी. की आलोचनात्मक समझ/lifistudyias
B.Ed. 2nd Semester(BD-204)Exam- 2023- 24 /rmpssu/critical understanding of ICT/आई.सी.टी. की आलोचनात्मक समझ/Set -3/critical understanding of ict b.ed 2nd semester/critical understanding of ict b.ed 1st year/critical understanding of ict b ed 2nd year/critical understanding of ict b.ed 2nd semester rmpssu/critical understanding of ict b.ed 1st year in hindi/critical understanding of ict b.ed 1st year in english/critical understanding of ict by lifistudyias/critical understanding of ict by paras nath/critical understanding of ict mcq/critical understanding of ict b.ed 1st year mcq/critical understanding of ict practical file/critical understanding of ict b.ed notes in hindi/critical understanding of ict b.ed notes in english/critical understanding of ict practical file in hindi/rmpssu bed 2nd semester Practice question paper/rmpssu bed exam 2024/rmpssu bed 2nd semester Practice paper/sanjay model paper/rmpssu bed 2nd semester/rmpssu bed 2nd semester bd 204/rmpssu bed/lifistudy ias /lifistudy IAS/Paras Nath/rmpssu/rmpu/RMPSSU फॉलो फॉर B.Ed. Class टेलीग्राम ग्रुप लिंक: https://t.me/lifistudyias फॉलो फॉर B.Ed Class व्हाट्सअप ग्रुप: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CCI4WyNOBIE... फॉलो फॉर B.Ed. Class फेसबुक ग्रुप लिंक: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Link of the Playlist BD-204/108:- • RMPSSU B.Ed. 2nd Semester (BD-204) Ex... Link of the Playlist B.Ed. 2nd Semester All Paper:- • RMPSSU B.Ed. 2nd Semester All Paper P... Link of the Playlist BD-203/107:- • RMPSSU B.Ed. 2nd Semester (BD-203) Ex... Link of the Playlist BD-202/105:- • RMPSSU B.Ed. 2nd Semester (BD-202) Ex... Link of the Playlist BD-201:- • RMPSSU B.Ed. 2nd Semester (BD-201) Ex... B.Ed 2nd Semester[(BD-204) EPC-2)] Exam-2023-24 critical understanding of ICT(आई.सी.टी. की आलोचनात्मक समझ)Practice Set👇 1. • B.Ed. 2nd Semester(BD-204)Exam- 2023-... 2. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-204)Exam- 20234 /cri... 3. • B.Ed.2nd Sem(BD-204)Exam-2024/critica... 4. 5. B.Ed.2nd Semester[(BD-203)(EPC-1)]Exam-2023-24(Art and Aesthetics in education)(शिक्षा में कला एवं सौंदर्यशास्त्र)(RMPU)Practice Set👇 1. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-203)Exam-2024/ art a... 2. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-203)Exam- 2024/art a... 3. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-203)Exam-2024/art an... 4. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-203)Exam-2024/art an... 5. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-203)Exam-2024/art an... 6. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-203)Exam-2024/art an... 7. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-203)Exam-2024/ art a... 8. B.Ed. 2nd Semester (BD-202)Exam 2023-24(Understanding disciplines and School subjects)(विषयों की समझ एवं विद्यालयी विषय)(RMPU)Practice Set👇 1. • B.Ed.2nd Sem(BD-202)Exam-2024/underst... 2. • B.Ed.2nd Sem(BD-202)Exam-2023 /unders... 3. • B.Ed.2nd Sem(BD-202)Exam-2024/underst... 4. • B.Ed.2nd Sem(BD-202)Exam-2024/ unders... 5. • B.Ed.2nd Sem(BD-202)Exam-2024 /unders... 6. • B.Ed.2nd Sem(BD-202)Exam-2024 /unders... 7. • B.Ed.2nd Sem(BD-202)Exam-2024/underst... 8. • B.Ed.2nd SemBD-202)Exam- 2024/underst... 9. • B.Ed.2nd Sem(BD-202)Exam-2024 /unders... 10. • B.Ed.2nd Sem(BD-202)Exam-2024 /unders... B.Ed. 2nd Semester(BD-201)Exam- 2023-24(Teaching and learning perspective)(शिक्षण एवं अधिगम के परिपेक्ष्य)(RMPU)Practice Set👇 1. • B.Ed. 2nd Seme(BD-201)Exam-2024/ teac... 2. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-201)Exam-2024/ teach... 3. • B.Ed. 2nd Seme(BD-201)Exam-2024/Teach... 4. • B.Ed. 2nd Seme(BD-201)Exam-2024/ teac... 5. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-201)Exam 2024/ teach... 6. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-201)Exam-2024/ teach... 7. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-201)Exam-2024/ teach... 8. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-201)Exam-2024 /teach... 9. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-201)Exam-2024 /teach... 10. • B.Ed. 2nd Sem(BD-201)Exam- 2024/ teac... B.Ed 2nd year Re-Exam 2021-22(DBRAU) Answer key 👇 1.BD:201👉 • Re -Exam B.Ed 2nd year(BD-201)Knowled... 2.BD:202👉 • Re-Exam B.Ed 2nd year(BD-202)ASSESSME... 3.BD:203👉 • Re-Exam B.Ed 2nd year(BD-203)Creating... 4.BD:204👉 • Re-Exam B.Ed 2nd year(BD-204) Yoga Ed... 5.BD:205👉 • Re -Exam B.Ed 2nd year(BD-205) Enviro... B.Ed 2nd year Exam 2020(DBRAU) Answer key 👇 1.BD:201 👉 • B.Ed 2nd year 2020 (BD-201)Knowledge ... 2.BD-202 👉 • B.Ed 2nd year (Paper-202) ASSESSMENT ... 3.BD-203 👉 • B.Ed 2nd year(BD-203)Creating an Incl... 4.BD-204 👉 • B.Ed 2nd year(paper-204) YOGA EDUCATI... 5.BD-205 👉 • B.Ed 2nd year(BD-205) Environmental E... B.Ed. All Semester Syllabus (RMPSSU)👇 1. B.Ed. 1st semester syllabus 👉 • RMPSSU B.Ed.1st Semester syllabus-202... 2. B.Ed. 2nd semester syllabus 👉 • RMPSSU B.Ed. 2nd Semester syllabus-20... 3. B.Ed. 3rd semester syllabus 👉 • RMPSSU B.Ed. 3rd Semester syllabus 20... 4. B.Ed. 4th semester syllabus 👉 • RMPSSU B.Ed. 4th Semester syllabus -2... 👉 • RMPSSU B.Ed. 4th Semester syllabus- 2... M.Ed. Admission- 2022 से सम्बन्धित सूचना👉 1. M.Ed. करने के फायदे👇 👉 • M.Ed. करने के फायदे/M.Ed Karne Ke Fay... 2.M.Ed. Admission प्रक्रिया क्या है 👇 👉 • M.Ed Admission-2022/m.ed admission fe... 3.M.Ed. Admission फीस(गवर्मेंट और प्राइवेट कॉलेज)👇 👉 • M.Ed Admission Fees/m.ed course fees/... B.Ed.2nd year Result -2022(DBRAU) 5. मार्कशीट पर लिखा RD(EN), PMW, MW,RL,UFM का मतलब क्या है, इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकते हैं? 👉 • What means in Result RD(EN) PMW RD MW... #critical_understanding_of_ICT #आईसीटी_की_आलोचनात्मक_समझ #rmpssu #dbrau #parasnath #lifistudyias