OCR Physics A Paper 1 June 2023 Walkthrough (H556/1)
Link for the written answer to Question 18: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wk7-... Chapters 00:00 MCQs 13:41 Q16 Stopping Distances 16:59 Q17 Forces and Circular motion 24:03 Q18 Acceleration due to gravity experiment 6 marker 31:28 Q19 Energy and Power 34:02 Q20 Ideal gases/Upthrust/Forces 39:07 Q21 Simple Harmonic Motion 46:24 Q22 Lifecycle of stars 6marks 50:20 Q23 Cosmology Please let me know if you have any questions. #alevelphysics #walkthrough #alevels #fyp #foryou