Street food Thailand  Best of Mon Thong Durian Ninja Fruit Cutting Skills | Tasty Journey

Street food Thailand Best of Mon Thong Durian Ninja Fruit Cutting Skills | Tasty Journey

Other Thai Fruit or Asian fruit please visit the link below Rambutan Fruit :    • Awesome Rambutan Fruit Mountain- Asia...   Jackfruit :    • Jackfruit Cutting Skills and Peeling ...   Durian :    • Amazing Thai Durian Cutting Skills Ho...   Snack Fruit :    • Amazing Thai Snake Fruit - Salak - Ho...   Thai Pineapple :    • Pineapple Thai Fruits Cutting Skills ...   Thai Durian is one of the Best Durian in the world. The most famous in Thailand is Mon Thong, You can find them at all street food in Thailand. Price : Mon thong Durian : 150 Thai Bath per Kg. (3.18-7.48 $) Location : Bang Bon Market, Bangkok Street Food Thank you for watching! Please give us a like 👍 if you enjoyed the video. and kindly subscribe in order to support us for more videos. Cheers!!! Email : [email protected] #MonThongDurian #KingofFruit #Streetfoodshorts #ThailandStreetfood #TastyJourney