# | This Day With God - Pr. Gilson Brito

# | This Day With God - Pr. Gilson Brito

This Day With God always brings a word of comfort for daily meditation. Here we study a short passage from the Bible daily. Subscribe to our channel, activate the bell so you don't miss anything. Share with your friends and leave your Like, this way we will reach more and more people and the videos will gain relevance to reach the most remote places on this planet. We count on your participation, may this message save lives. Go to http://pesquisa.biblia.com.br and study the Bible in several versions, several articles to answer questions. https://cursos.novotempo.com order the course and receive it free of charge at your home. If you have already made your decision, decided to change and want a visit or even baptism, visit the website https://decidimudar.com.br Also watch the videos on the following channels: https://t.me/s/oracaoNT (Telegram) https://www.estediacomdeus.com.br (Website where you register to receive on your WhatsApp)   / estediacomdeusnt   (Instagram) https://novotempo.com/escolabiblica Contact us by phone: (0XX) 12 2127 3121