# | This Day With God - Pr. Gilson Brito
This Day With God is a series of daily spiritual reflections presented by Pastor Gilson Brito, also known for being a speaker for A Voz da Profecia da Novo Tempo. Each episode offers a message of hope and inspiration, based on biblical passages, to strengthen your faith and guide your spiritual journey. 📖 Additional Resources Study the Bible in different versions and find enlightening articles: http://www.biblia.com.br Request a free Bible course and have it delivered to your home: http://www.novotempo.com/escolabiblica Have you decided to change and want a visit or baptism? Visit: http://www.decidimudar.com.br 📱 Connect with us Official website: http://www.estediacomdeus.com.br Telegram: https://t.me/s/oracaoNT Instagram: / @estediacomdeusnt Phone: (12) 2127-3121 🔔 Subscribe to the channel and activate notifications to receive daily messages of hope and spiritual guidance #EsteDiaComDeus #PrGilsonBrito #ReflexãoDiária #NovoTempo #AVozDaProfecia #NTPlay #TVNovoTempo