4 snacks & desserts i love for cozy fall days at home
4 snacks & desserts i love for cozy fall days at home: 1. the apple cider donuts from Trader Joe’s are top tier! one of my favorite seasonal items 2. smore’s - making them on the stovetop is so easy! but bonus points if you roast them over a fire 3. mini pancakes are a sunday morning favorit of mine. i like to add a splash of orange juice, vanilla extract & a lot of cinammon (or pumpkin pie spice) to regular old boxed mix to spruce it up 4. you can’t go wrong with popcorn + m&ms #snacks #cozyfallvibes find me on TikTok & IG! / camila.vilas / camila.vilas open LTK to shop my home decor & outfits! https://www.shopltk.com/explore/camil...