जीभ पे काले धब्बे का घरेलू इलाज/ black spot on tongue, how to remove/ Dr. Kanchan Singh
जीभ पे काले धब्बे का घरेलू इलाज/ black spot on tongue, how to remove/ Dr. Kanchan Singh #dentalcare #drkanchansingh #dentaltips #mouthcancer #blacktongue #blackspot on tongue In this video I'm sharing about black spot on tongue. this is very important to know is this condition is harmful or cancerous. yes it is. if you have such kind of problem immediately consult your doctor. this video give you some home remedies for black spot on tongue. Thanks for watching Another video link black spot on tongue • Black spot on tongue/जीभ पे काले धब्ब... oral cancer cause and treatment • मुंह के कैंसर के कारण? Oral Cancer ca... warning sign of mouth cancer • warning signs of mouth cancer in hin...