아크로요가 트램폴린 플로우. Acroyoga Montreal style Trampoline flow.
2019 2nd Acroyoga Montreal style Trampoline flow With @Woongbe 목소리를 가졌다면 소리를 내고, 신체의 자유를 가졌다면 움직이고, 감정을 느낀다면 표출하자 움츠러들어 멈춰있기 아까운 인생의 시간은 지금도 흘러간다 We are the owner of our lifetime If you have voice, You have to make a sound If you have the freedom of your body, You have to make a move If you feel something, Let's express Even now, Your beautiful days are passing by #acroyoga #아크로요가 #요가 #yoga #AcroFlow #아크로플로우