FBC Martinsville, Christmas Eve Worship, December 24, 2022
Join Us for a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Worship & Communion Friday, December 24, 2022 4:00 PM FBC Sanctuary OR Virtual Worship on Facebook Live The night before Christmas offers an opportunity to worship the newborn king. In this service, we commemorate Jesus Christ's birth. The service is a Candlelight Service in which Christmas is celebrated with beautiful music and a meditation on the meaning of Christmas. We light the Christ candle in the Advent wreath and share the light throughout the congregation. We hope that these holy moments bring your family close to your Christian family here at FBC Martinsville in special ways. Join us in person and experience shared light together in the Sanctuary, or watch from home on your computer, tablet, smartphone - or even hook to your TV to watch with the whole family if you can't make it in person. This service is family-friendly, with children's time, beautiful music, and a reading of the Christmas story.