December 20, 2020 - McClure United Church Online Service

December 20, 2020 - McClure United Church Online Service

Please note upcoming services: Christmas Eve - 7:30 pm - in person at the church, and also on Zoom. The services will include Communion. Sunday, December 27 - 10:30 am - Zoom only: Carol Sing and Readings (regular Sunday link) Sunday, January 3 - no services - Happy new Year! Sunday, January 10 - In-person and Zoom services resume at 10:30 am Our regular online services are held on Sundays at 10:30 am using Zoom. Join us at 10:15 am for visiting before the service. To join, email [email protected] and the Zoom link will be forwarded to you. There is also a live service at the church on Sundays at 10:30 am. To attend, please pre-register by emailing [email protected]. Registration is required by 4:00 pm on the Friday before the service. The address is 13708 - 74 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T4C 3R1. We have One License permission (A-736542) to present music in this video. Special music: Silent is the Night by Jay Althouse We hope you enjoy these services and we welcome your feedback.