11:00 AM Worship Service at Central UMC 2/2/2025
February 2, 2025 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Today's Bulletin: Welcome and Announcements Passing of the Peace: "The Lord be with you. And also with you!" Preparing our Hearts for Worship Prelude: "Let Us Break Bread Together" arr. Gordon Young Call to Worship: "To God Be the Glory" Opening Hymn no. 372: "How Can We Sinners Know" Prayers of the People and the Lord's Prayer no. 895 A Time for All God's Children Offering Anthem: "A Communion Meditation" arr. Nancy Price & Don Besig Doxology no. 94 & Prayer of Thanksgiving Epistle Lesson: Romans 8 : 1-11 New Testament Lesson: Acts 10 : 9-16 Sermon: Forgiveness-Self Reflective Music Holy Communion no. 15 Closing Hymn no. 382: "Have Thine Own Way, Lord" Sending Forth Choral Benediction: "Alleluia, Amen" arr. Carl Wiltse Postlude: "To God Be the Glory" arr. William Doane Pastor: Rev. Tom Latimer Associate Pastor: Rev. Savannah Glover Interim Organist: Brenda McCombs Choir Director: Donna Hill Give to Central: https://onrealm.org/concordcentral/-/... Connect With Central UMC: Website: https://concordcentral.org/ Facebook: / centralumcconcord Instagram: / centralumcconcord 11:00am Worship Service at Central UMC 2/2/2025 COPYRIGHTS: MUSIC NOT IN PUBLIC DOMAIN COVERED UNDER ONE LICENSE A-736452. LET US BREAK BREAD TOGETHER: CONTRIBUTOR: GORDON YOUNG © 1977 HOPE PUBLISHING COMPANY. A COMMUNION MEDITATION: CONTRIBUTORS: NANCY PRICE, DON BESIG, DON BESIG: COPYRIGHT © 1991 HAROLD FLAMMER MUSIC, A DIVISION OF SHAWNEE PRESS, INC.