St. Peter's Lutheran Worship - October 23, 2022 - 10:45am
LINK TO BULLETIN FOR WORSHIP https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KTRA... LINK TO BULLETIN INSERT https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q6wz... THANK YOUR FOR SUPPORTING AND JOINING IN THE MINISTRY WE SHARE You can give online at: www.stpetersmarblefalls.org/give You can give by text: Simply text the amount you want to give to 830-460-5757 You can mail an offering to: 1803 Highway 1431 West, Marble Falls, TX 78654 LINK TO OUR CHURCH WEBSITE stpetersmarblefalls.org LINK TO OUR BUILDING PROGRAM INFO SITE buildingtobless.org Special thank you to those who helped make our online worship possible this morning, a powerful witness that even though space may separate us, it is the love of God in Christ which connects and re-connects us this day and always. Onelicense.net - A-705693 Augsburg Fortress Liturgies License - SAS006791 CCLI- 20006676