घर में हाथी का शोपीस, शुभ या अशुभ, Vastu, Vastu Shastra, Vastu Tips, elephant statue in house, Hathi
ऊपर सूंड या नीचे सूंड ? एक शो-पीस जो बदल दे ज़िंदगी. हाथी मेरे साथी - सूंड का चक्कर- घर में हाथी का शोपीस, शुभ या अशुभ- Elephant statues at home offer numerous benefits, from fostering good luck to enhancing Vastu. Positioning is key; for prosperity, face the elephant towards the door or window. Contrary to doubts, it’s beneficial, not bad, to keep an elephant statue at home. A single elephant can also be auspicious, symbolizing wisdom and strength. Silver elephants, in particular, are known to attract wealth, making them a wise choice for those seeking to amplify their home's positive energy. The color of the elephant statue plays a role too, with specific hues bringing different benefits. Placing an elephant statue, or hathi, at your home entrance can act as a guardian, promoting peace and blocking negativity. Thus, incorporating an elephant statue into your house decor aligns with Vastu principles, promising prosperity and protection. Great significance in Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui, promising prosperity, strength, and wisdom. The elephant, with its majestic presence, symbolizes stability and patience, making the benefits of having an elephant statue at home, especially a silver one, multifaceted. A silver elephant, in particular, is believed to attract wealth and positive energy, enhancing the ambiance of your living space. When placing an elephant statue in your house, the direction it faces is paramount for amplifying its benefits. For those pondering which way to face an elephant for good luck, the consensus among Vastu and Feng Shui experts is that the elephant's trunk should ideally point towards the door or window. This orientation is thought to invite in good fortune and protect the household. However, it raises the question: is it bad to keep an elephant statue at home? Absolutely not, as long as it is positioned correctly. In fact, the elephant statue at home Vastu aligns with principles of harmony and positive flow of energy. The elephant statue's color and placement also play a crucial role. When considering which colour elephant statue is good for home, it's suggested that white symbolizes purity and peace, making it a favorable choice. As for placement, having an elephant statue for the home entrance is believed to guard the household, ensuring only good luck passes through your doors. Many households ponder whether they can keep a single elephant statue at home. The answer is yes, a singular statue can still embody strength and wisdom, though some prefer a pair for representing male and female energy balance. Additionally, the benefits of keeping a silver elephant at home extend beyond Vastu and Feng Shui, contributing to a visually appealing and serene environment. One common query is, should elephants face the door or window? This depends on your intention; facing the door invites good luck into the home, while facing a window can symbolize the dispersion of negative energy. Moreover, the benefits of elephant statue placement are enhanced when aligned with Vastu principles, ensuring the statue supports the flow of positive energy throughout your living space. In summary, the benefits of having an elephant or hathi statue at home are numerous, #benefitsofelephantstatueathome #benefitsofhathistatueathome #elephantstatueinhouse #whichwaydoyoufaceanelephantforgoodluck #isitbadtokeepelephantstatueathome #canwekeepsingleelephantstatueathome #benefitsofelephantstatue #shouldelephantsfacethedoororwindow #elephantstatueathomevastu #benefitsofkeepingsilverelephantathome #elephantstatueforhomeentrance #whichcolourelephantstatueisgoodforhome YouTube Channel: / anandbhardwajinternationalvastuconsultant Call me on +91-9811656700, 9811656700 (New Delhi- INDIA) My email: [email protected] / @dranandbhardwajvastuconsultant / @managingself9932 Follow us on facebook: / vastuconsultants Join us on Linkedin: / 470 Follow Us on Tumblr.com: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/dranandbh... / @dranandbhardwajvastuconsultant Google+: http://google.com/+AnandBhardwajInter... Email us at: [email protected] Visit us on our websites: https://Vastu-india.com/ https://www.vaidicvaastu.com/ https://www.Vastu-shastra.com/ https://www.Vastushaastra.com/ http://www.vaastu-india.com/ http://Vastuconsultants.co.in/ http://Vastuconsultantin.com/ http://Vastuforsouthernhemisphere.com/ http://Vastuinsouthernhemisphere.com/ http://southernhemisphereVastu.com/ http://www.Vastuconsultantsin.com/ http://www.Vastuconsultantsservice.com/ http://www.Vastuconsultantsdelhi.com/ http://www.Vastushastrabook.com/ http://bestVastubooks.com/ http://www.Vastubookinhindi.com/ http://Vastushastrabookinhindi.com/ http://Vastubooksinenglish.com/