Drawing Master (DM) | Mcqs part 5 || KPK Teaching jobs ETEA
Dear viewers I discuss drawing Master DM important mcqs for teaching jobs kPK Part 5. first four lecture of DM already uploaded link are below in description. This lecture is important for your test preparation of DM. I divided this lecture into three parts Ist I discuss all the mcqs. 2nd I revised all the mcqs for your better understanding. 3rd then I take your test. other vedio Link 🔗 below ⬇️ 1) • Drawing Master (DM) important mcqs|| ... 2) • Drawing Master (DM) Mcqs part 2 || ET... 3) • Drawing Master (DM) || important mcqs... 4) • Drawing Master (DM) || important mcqs... 5) • Pedagogy Important Mcqs|| Kpk Teachin... 6) • Physical Education Teacher (PET) || I... Correct answer of all question ⬇️ 1. Yellow 2. Purple. 3. both 4.All of these 5. Drawing 6. Lead pencil 7. Graphite pencil 8. Painting. 9. Oil paint 10. Graphite design 11. Space 12. Color 13. Line 14. Form 15. Whole wall 16. Texture. 17. Line 18. Crystal clear 19. portrait 20. Solids 21. Relief 22. Round 23. Wax 24. Material. 25. Business #drawingmasterimportantmcqs #dmmcqs ##dmpastpaper #dmmcqspart5 #eteapastpaper #eteamcqs #eteaimportantmcqs #kpkteachingjobs @IlyasBio-chem