Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - July 24, 2022

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - July 24, 2022

Welcome to Trinity Worship Online! Bulletin The bulletin can guide your participation in the service. You might wish to print it out before playing the video so that you can join in the hymns and responses. This service is the Liturgy of the Word Rite II from The Episcopal Church's Book of Common Prayer ( Offering Plate Your offering by credit card, bank withdrawal, or check is essential as we continue serving people in body, mind, and spirit during these challenging times. You may give anytime before, during, or after the recorded service. You can give in our Virtual Offering Plate here: Want to contribute via text? Simply text MYTPC $25 (or any chosen amount) to the phone number 73256. You’ll receive a text message in response with your next steps. Please know of our prayers for you. We want to hear from you if you have a pastoral concern. Call anytime to 206-624-5337 x23 and leave a message. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. God is with us! Yes even -- and especially -- in these times.