Seventh Sunday after Pentecost—July 24, 2022
We find in this Sunday's Gospel text that one of the disciples makes a request of Jesus, saying, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Prayer is sometimes thought to be a tricky thing. We don’t know what words to use. We don't know what to pray for or about. Prayer can feel like a daunting task. And so, the disciples ask Jesus to team them how to pray. This week, I wonder, why do we pray? How does Jesus want us to pray? How can Jesus promise us that God will hear and respond to our prayers—that we will receive what we ask for, that doors once locked shut will be opened? I hope to see you Sunday as we wonder about the spiritual practice of prayer and its meaning and importance in our faith journeys and the ministry we are called to do together. Rev. Eric Sherlock preaching from Luke 11:1–13 Music by John Kendall Bailey