PERFECT Swiss MERINGUE - make it right with FIRST trial! Without THERMOMETER ‼️
Today you will master how to make Swiss meringue , I promise it is not as complicated. This Swiss meringue is creamy , silky smooth and tastes like marshmallow. Swiss meringue is actually easy to make and I will give you all the tips you need to know to make Swiss meringue right every single time. Ingredients: 5 egg whites 250g granulated sugar a pinch of salt 15ml/ 1 TBSP lemon juice(Optional) Troubleshooting tips: Use fresh eggs not carton egg whites *It's important to make sure that your tools don't have any grease or oil I play it safe and rub everything that will come in contact with the egg whites with lemon juice or vinegar . Eggs separate better when cold Separate each egg white on a separate bowl to avoid wastage because if any egg yolk come in contact you can't use it( I use 3 bowls ) . as it will not reach stiff peaks. *The water in double boiler should not touch the pot once it's boiled reduce to room temperature. *use granulated sugar not powdered sugar *I never need a thermometer if unsure the temperature should read 160°f/71°C(I test using my fingers it should be very warm and you should not feel any sugar granules) It should be tacky and frothy. *use a stand/hand mixer mine needed 10 minutes but if it is very humid it will take longer. Follow the video to see how it should look like. it should hold the peaks without breaking when shaken. If not reaching stiff peaks and you have done everything right put the bowl in the fridge for 10 min then continue beating until stiff peaks form. NOTE: you can over beat it will turn very gummy and hard( not silky smooth) You can make Swiss meringue cookies or add butter and make Swiss meringue butter cream. Swiss meringue butter cream: Add 4oog room temperature butter cut into very small cubes of 1 tbsp and add very slowly until it smooth and lovely. I hope this was helpful. Please like and subscribe and if you have any questions ask in the comment section.