미션 임파서블: 폴아웃  MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE Fallout  2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC)

미션 임파서블: 폴아웃 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE Fallout 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC)

한반지: 미션 임파서블: 폴아웃 예고편들: 2018 개봉작들: • 원제: Mission: Impossible Fallout • 감독: Christopher McQuarrie • 미국 개봉일: 2018년 7월 27일 • 한국 개봉일: 미정 • 음악: Adam Clayton & Larry Mullen, Jr - Theme from Mission: Impossible 본 채널 영상의 광고수익은 모두 해당 저작권자가 받습니다 자막이 안 나올 경우 플레이어 오른쪽 하단의 자막(CC) 버튼을 눌러주세요 캡션은 옵션에서 기본 자막 색깔, 글꼴, 배경 유무 등을 취향에 맞게 변경하시면 설정이 계속 유지됩니다 모바일 기기에서는 최신 버전의 유튜브 앱으로 시청하시길 권합니다 요청글에는 확답을 드릴 수 없어 답글을 달지 않으니 양해해주세요 홈페이지: 페이스북: 트위터: 유튜브: 미션 임파서블: 폴아웃 2차 공식 예고편 영문 스크립트 Mission: Impossible Fallout Official Trailer #2 English Transcript There cannot be peace without first a great suffering The greater the suffering, the greater the peace The end you've always feared is coming It's coming, and the blood will be on your hands I pray to God that it wasn't true Solomon Lane escaped in Paris And now the world is at risk This is the CIA's mission You use a scalpel I prefer a hammer This is a bad idea Is it ever a good one, honestly? He's not just some observer He's an assassin Do not trust anybody outside of this room You go rogue, he's been authorized to hunt you down and kill you That's the job No hard feelings Which way, Benji? Turn left! Go, go, go, go! What are you waiting for? I'm jumping out a window Oh, sorry, good luck When the clock stops, Ethan Hunt will lose everyone he ever cared about You don't understand what you're involved in You need to walk away Please, don't make me go through you Ethan, that's not who we are Maybe we need to reconsider that! Accept it, Ethan, you've lost this one What's done is done What's done is done when we say it's done Showtime! Oh, my God!