कान में झींगुर, सीटी, घंटी या ट्रेन की आवाज, हो सकता टिनिटस का खतरा | Tinnitus Homeopathic Medicine
कान में झींगुर, सीटी, घंटी या ट्रेन की आवाज, हो सकता टिनिटस का खतरा | Tinitus Homeopathic Medicine My self Dr. Anand and today I explained about Homeopathic medicine for tinnitus so watch the full video to know it. वीडियो में दिखायी गयी दवाओं को खरीदने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें ⚜️Buy Bahola Tinnitus 12 Drops: https://bit.ly/3Y48Cuk ⚜️Buy Medicines: https://bit.ly/40Z6H9L ⚜️Book Appointments: https://bit.ly/3L3eFGV ⚜️WhatsApp Group: https://bit.ly/3Sq1W6B ⚜️Telegram Groups: https://t.me/shreehomoeo ================================================ Topic Covered: कान में आवाज आने का इलाज कान से आती है सीटी की आवाज हो सकती है टिनिटस बीमारी टिनिटस का इलाज कान में कट कट की आवाज आना कान में आवाज आने का कारण कान में आवाज़ का सरल इलाज कान में आवाज होना का होम्योपैथिक इलाज tinnitus treatment tinnitus ear tinnitus medicine tinnitus in hindi tinnitus symptoms बिना दवा टिनिटस कैसे ठीक हो कान में आवाज आना कान में आवाज क्यों आती है homeopathic medicine for tinnitus tinnitus homeopathic treatment tinnitus homeopathic medicine bahola #tinitus #ringringear #earsound #homeopathy #doctor #health #homeopathic #medicine #treatment #homeopathy #shreehomoeo #shreehomoeocenter #besthomeopath #besthomeopathicdoctor #besthomeopathydoctor ================================================ For Complete Treatment We Have Online Consultation Facility: (होम्योपैथिक द्वारा पूरा इलाज कराने के लिए निर्देश) The appointment for Indian Patients is 500Rs. and for International patients 20$ (USD). Our Treatment packages start from 1500Rs/Month. ================================================ Mode of Payments : 1. Online Via Our Website: https://www.shreehomoeocenter.com 2. Paytm, Google Pay, Phone Pay on 9305024291 3. UPI on 9305024291@upi 4. Bank Transfer Bank: State Bank of India A/C No. : 38556235053 Name: Satya IFSC Code: SBIN0011714 Bank: Kotak Mahindra Bank A/C No.: 4712199816 Name: Satya IFSC Code : KKBK0000137 5. Paypal Id: admin@shreehomoeocenter.com (NOTE: For International Patients, We Take Payment Via Western Union, Money Gram, Ria Money, etc. Before Payment Please Contact on WhatsApp at +91-9305024291) For Personal Consult Call for Appointment: +919305024291 or +9178439151920 Clinic Address: Shree Homoeo Center, 384A/1 Old G.T. Road, Himmatganj, Prayagraj, U.P. (Near Kidwai Girls Inter College) ================================================ Amazon Health Store : Medical Equipment: http://amzn.to/2eIfAP5 Diet & Nutrition : http://amzn.to/2wr2JbM Health Care: http://amzn.to/2iLgw9T Personal Care: http://amzn.to/2gm6PdA Sexual Wellness: http://amzn.to/2iKE2Uw Men’s Grooming: http://amzn.to/2wlG81G ================================================ अगर आप को यह विडियो पसंद आया तो कृपया लाइक करें और अगर आप कुछ कहना या पूछना चाहते है तो कृपया नीचे दिए गए कमेंट बॉक्स में लिखें धन्यवाद ! ================================================ Follow Dr. Anand & Dr. Satya on Social Links:- Dr. Anand's Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/jN5a19 Dr. Anand's Twitter Page: https://goo.gl/oWxCeG Dr. Anand's Instagram: https://goo.gl/tNsQRw Dr. Satya's Instagram: http://bit.ly/2EkZeIR Dr. Satya's Facebook: http://bit.ly/2Eml2DW ================================================ Follow Shree Homoeo on Social Links:- Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/yggjAN Twitter Page: https://goo.gl/y8XfK7 YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/hqSCHe Our Website: https://shreehomoeocenter.com ================================================ For Business Contact: admin@shreehomoeocenter.com ================================================ DISCLAIMER - Any information on diseases and treatments available on this channel is intended for general guidance only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Our channel shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any content available on this channel. Wishing you good health, fitness, and happiness. Thanks & Regards Shree Homoeo