[4K] Heavy Snow Day Drive from Pocheon to Seoul| 폭설 오는 날 눈길 운전하기, 포천에서 서울까지

[4K] Heavy Snow Day Drive from Pocheon to Seoul| 폭설 오는 날 눈길 운전하기, 포천에서 서울까지

Hello, This is Walk Together. The day I went to Sanjeong Lake, I tried to capture the driving scenery on a snowy day in a video. Because of the sudden heavy snow, we all crawled like turtles, and when we reached the road that had been sprayed with calcium chloride, the camera lens got a lot of snow & calcium chloride so we couldn't take videos anymore. I'm glad I put snow tires in advance. So shall we run together? 안녕하세요? Walk Together 입니다. 산정호수에 갔던 날, 눈오는 날 운전 풍경을 영상에 담아 보았습니다. 갑작스럽게 폭설이 쏟아진 관계로 다들 거북이처럼 기어가다가, 염화칼슘을 많이 뿌린 도로에 접어드니 카메라 렌즈에 염화칼슘과 눈이 많이 묻어서 더이상 촬영이 되지 않았네요 ㅠㅠ 그래도 스노우타이어로 미리 끼워놓아서 다행입니다. 그럼 함께 달려 보실까요? [Subscribe👍] Subscribe: https://rebrand.ly/walk-together [Channel Membership] Join:    / @walktogether   [Please Support my Walk🧡] Patreon:   / walktogether   Paypal: https://paypal.me/WalkTogether4U -- Copyright © 2021. All Rights Reserved. The video has been filmed towards street and buildings only. For other inquries about privacy and business, please see About Tab.