Chicken Thigh Stew with Duff Pastry - Bonita's Kitchen
Welcome to Bonita's Kitchen! Today we will be making Chicken Thigh Stew with Duff Pastry, baked in the oven in a roaster with fresh veggies and an homemade gravy. See recipe below! Our website link: https://www.bonitaskitchen.com Our cookbook link: https://www.bonitaskitchen.com/cookbook Shop our recommended kitchen tools and canning supplies on our Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.ca/shop/bonitaskit... Ingredients: 6 or 8 CHICKEN THIGHS, SKINLESS, BONE IN 8 CUPS CHICKEN BROTH/STOCK 2 MEDIUM POTATOES, CHOPPED 3 CARROTS, CHOPPED 1 SMALL TURNIP, CHOPPED 1 PARSNIP, CHOPPED 1 MEDIUM ONION, CHOPPED 1 CUP GREEN PEAS, FRESH OR CANNED 3 CELERY, CHOPPED 2 TSBP BUTTER 1 TBSP CHICKEN OXO or SEASONING 1 TSP WHITE PEPPER 1 TSP SEA SALT 1 TSP THYME, FRESH or GROUND 5 TSBP FLOUR 1/4 Cup water, for roux mix Method: In Medium roaster add, chopped veggies in stew size cubes, broth, seasonings, EXCEPT ONIONS, cover and put in a 375º oven for 30 minutes, FIRST before adding chicken and onions. • In a frying pan on medium heat add chicken thighs and BUTTER, with a pinch of sea salt and pepper, fry for 4 to 5 minutes on both sides then remove from pan and add to roaster, add more butter and onions to cook until soft, add 2 tbsp flour and cook for a couple seconds then add 2 cups vegetable broth and continue cooking then add to roaster. • Continue cooking chicken thigh stew for another 40 minutes in oven covered and then remove from oven, put on the stove top. Remove some liquid from roaster if to much and keep to add back in at the end stage. • Then mix together 3 tbsp flour and 1/4 cup water in a mason jar with lid, mix well, pour into roaster with stew to thicken broth. • Then you can add the duff pastry in pieces or all one piece across roaster. • See video for more details. • Place back to the oven uncovered to bake pastry on the same heat 375º for 15 to 20 minutes or golden brown. Remove from heat let rest or serve Duff Pastry: 2 Cups white or wheat flour 1 Tbsp white sugar 1/4 Tsp salt 1/2 Cup cold butter, more if needed 1/2 Cup carnation milk 4 Tsp baking powder Method: Mix all dry ingredients into a bowl, then add pieces of cold butter and mix well together. Add milk to mixture working it in with your hand or mixer until almost into a ball. Continue on forming into a ball then put out onto a piece of wax paper or parchment paper. Cover with a sprinkle of flour and roll out the same size as your roaster top, or take pieces and place on top like tea buns and bake that way. "The chicken stew you are making the pastry for must be almost cooked before putting the pastry over the top". After place the pasty over top put back in the over 375º for 15 to 20 minutes or golden brown. I apologize in advance if anything in this video is not clear or miss read, please follow my recipe when making this dish. Thank you for watching Bonita's Kitchen, and don't forget to subscribe for more Traditional Newfoundland Recipes and Cooking!