The Season of the Sirens | Black and Natural in Jerusalem #97

The Season of the Sirens | Black and Natural in Jerusalem #97

It's that time of year in Israel. There are many times of remembrance in Jewish culture (such as the weekly Shabbat), and here in Israel, there are several times during the year where remembrances are marked with sirens and some are marked with national moments of silence. We've had Passover (marked with a siren), Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Ha'Shoa) and Soldier Memorial Day (Yom Ha'zic'ron) also marked with sirens and moments of silence, then Independence Day (Yom Ha'atzmaut) which was a time of celebration and national festivities. I tried to capture a few of the sirens for you. I hope that you enjoy what I have to share and learn something new. Enjoy!