Mario Odyssey: How Death Areas and Water Areas Work #Shorts
Super Mario Odyssey custom mod from Mario Odyssey level editor showing how water works ("WaterArea") and "DeathArea" and many other areas shown in the Metro Kingdom in the level editor! In Mario ODyssey, there are all kinds of "areas" that do things like change the background music, stop the background music, activate cutscenes, instantly kill Mario, or act as an area that's water! #Mario #SuperMario #Shorts #MarioOdyssey #SuperMarioOdyssey YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: What if Mario Odyssey had Custom Paintings? - • What if Mario Odyssey had Custom Pain... 100 Mystery Buttons But Only One Lets MARIO Escape (Preston/ Dangie Bros 100 Mystery Buttons parody) - • 100 Mystery Buttons But Only One Lets...