Pacific Hills Lutheran Church 01/26/2025 Worship Service
Worship service for 01/26/2025. The 3rd Sunday after Epiphany The worship service bulletin for today's service is available at https://tinyurl.com/nhc8b84v Rev. Bryan Drebes delivers the sermon "The Missing Piece", based on John 17:20-26 Please visit https://www.pacifichillslutheran.org/ for more information about Pacific Hills Lutheran Church, Omaha NE 0:04:09 - Service starts 0:24:35 - Sermon 1:13:21 - Announcements ------------------ All hymns are used by permission of Lutheran Service Book: Hymn License no. 110003803 unless otherwise noted. Today's liturgy components are curtesy of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod Liturgy Resources.