"DIY Mini Boat from Ice Cream Sticks – Powered by a Recycled Motor!"
DIY Mini Boat from Ice Cream Sticks – Powered by a Recycled Motor!" This man created an incredible mini boat using just ice cream sticks and a recycled motor! He started by carefully assembling the sticks to form the boat’s body, adding detailed touches to make it look amazing. But the real magic happened when he installed the motor—turning this simple craft into a working model that moves on water! Watch the full process and be amazed! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more creative DIY projects! #DIYBoat #MiniBoat #IceCreamStickCraft #CreativeDIY #HandmadeBoat #MotorizedBoat #CraftIdeas #RecycledMotor #AmazingDIY #BoatBuilding