NEWS NUGGETS: 17 March 2025 | Daily news analysis for CLAT | CUET | MHCET
#legaleducation #legalknowledge #judiciary VERY CRITICAL AND IMPORTANT ANALYSIS OF CURRENT ISSUES to the aspirants of law entrance exams including CLAT, AILET, MHCET, CUET and DU- LLB. Upcoming videos and content by highly experienced faculties and mentors from Top NLUs provide a comprehensive preparation for these exams. Well curated course pedagogy, structured lesson plans, well curated mocks and ultimate strategy sessions provide a good mix of all the requisites to excel in law. VIDYANJALI PROGRAMME: https://www.careersplus.online/course... Explore our Learning app: Android- https://clpcarroll.page.link/kqsm iOS- https://apps.apple.com/in/app/classpl... (Organisation code YCRAJ) Telegram group: https://t.me/LawgicalOne #live #legaleducation#legalknowledge#judiciary#legaladvice#lawcases#legalresources #legalcommunity #upsc #ssc #ssccgl #sscgd #ibpspo #sbipo #rbi #rbigradeb #mpsc #mpscexam #uppsc2024 #pscgk #psc #rbigraded #ndagk #cdsgk #cds2024 #nda #rrb #rrbntpc #rrbgroupd #net #netexam #licaao #legalexpertise#lawcareer#passthebar#studylaw#lawfacts#courtdecisions#judicialdecisions #lawreview #Legalnews #GeneralKnowledge #GK #CurrentAffairs