He Wrote the Field Guide to DMT | From Darkness to Light with Adam Butler

He Wrote the Field Guide to DMT | From Darkness to Light with Adam Butler

Adam Butler is a psychedelic philosopher and passionate DMT psychonaut focusing on mental health, neuroplasticity, self-exploration, and the extreme limits of human potential and ability. Combining an academically trained intellect, empathetic heart, and life-hardening experiences, Adam has found his niche in helping others overcome the fear associated with PTSD, depression, sexual repression, and addiction. By incorporating psychedelic compounds with deep meditation, lucid dreaming, and tantric practices he has changed from being an over worked, over-weight, stressed-out alcoholic asshole into a balanced, healthy, and sober friend and mentor to many. Order his book and check out his Youtube Channel in the links below! https://www.amazon.com/Butlers-Field-...    / @butlersdmtfieldguide