Pi Network Listing Confirmed, Exchange listings & Live PI/USDT Price Predictions
Pi coin listing date finally revealed after a long 6 years of mining. Registration link in pinned comment or telegram channel: https://t.me/Terrytrail Use my invitation code: Terrygoodman In the latest update pi Network have announced the open Mainnet Launch date for 20 February, 2021. Top exchanges including OKX, kucoin, MexC, Bitget, Pionex, Jucoinex, Onus, Bitrue, Hot Firedrops, Teltlk, Fmcpay, gate io and more are ready to open deposit for Picoin and listing under the PI/USDT Trading pair in spots. Since the new update, the token has skyrocketed on platforms where it's available for buying and selling. As at the time of the video, trading at $84+ According to the PiCoreTeam, mining and KYC verification will continue after TGE and launch. Statistics reveals; 19 million pioneers got verified, 10.4M migrated and a milestone of 100 Mainnet-ready apps achieved. The community is encouraged to engage in utility building, local commerce integration and other endeavors to further boost the ecosystem. Your transferrable balance unlock depends on your invitees KYC status. Send them reminders to come online and do the needful. Pi price prediction has become a trend since the news, even though people have been buying and selling it on Peer-to-Peer p2p platforms for over a year now. DISCLAIMER This channel does not support scam or fraud in anyway. All our contents are for educational purposes only. We do not own the platforms used here and can not be so accurate in predicting their operations later on. We are not financial experts and do not offer financial advice here. Always do your own research and be responsible for actions taken after watching our tutorials. #pinetwork #pinetworknewupdate #listingdate #officiallisting #newupdate #cryptocurrency #cryptohotgems #miningapp #cryptocurrencymining #pipriceprediction #pi #priceprediction